My daughter requested a guitar because she wants to learn playing the instrument. We went to SM North to and buy the guitar at JB music store for 900+ pesos. She picked the gray-ish color. It is a beginner's guitar and with the price, I would say, the quality is average. But you can buy the same quality guitar at RJ music store at slightly lower price.
One thing that she doesn't like is the strings which is painful to the fingers since they are very 'hard' (not sure if that is the right term though). So I checked Amazon to get some 'soft' guitar strings. Luckily, I found Earthwood that has a good reviews. I ordered and ship the item through After almost 15 days, I received the strings.
I replaced the old strings and tuned them using an Android App. It really made a big difference playing with Earthwood strings. It is more forgiving to the fingers and has a better sound quality (I am not a musician - just an opinion).
My daughter is now using her guitar more often and now learning how to play Ed Sheeran's 'Perfect'. I bought 2 packs of this as I am planning to buy my own beginner's guitar as well.
Delivered from Amazon.
Packaged in a plactic envelope.
Each individual string was packaged to a paper envelope.
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